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同牌称谓:小蜜缇品牌吧ESTEE LAUDER品牌吧


美国Pharmacy Times magazine的年度最佳护唇圣品,消费者心目中的最佳唇部保养品牌之一。在美上市后长达60多年的销售传奇,全世界平均每分钟可卖出100个,至今全球累积销量已达75亿支。是好莱坞明星的最爱、网络询问度最高、销售No. 1的护唇膏!! Carmex产品特色与简介: Carmex修护唇膏是Mr. Woelbing综合各区祖传配方的结晶,其特色就是能治疗任何唇部的问题如:干燥、龟裂、脱皮,尤其是冻伤、烫伤蚊虫咬伤特别有疗效。因此,一推出后即成为北美地区的畅销商品,是冬季唇部保养的必需品。好莱坞的明星们更于化妆前使用这护唇膏,以保护皮肤避免因高热度的强烈灯光照射而受伤。 Carmex修护唇膏一直都贩卖于超市及各个药妆店,没有业务员、没有任何的广告,Carmex护唇膏的成功,完全在于对双唇的疗理效果,加上客人之间的口口相传。这是一个上至好莱坞大牌明星,下至平民百姓都使用的优质商品。全世界平均每分钟都至少售出100个小蜜缇产品。 下面是官方网站介绍: History A (Somewhat) Brief History of Carmex Lip Balm and the World Where we started... Where we are now... Suburban Milwaukee, home of great beer and great motorcycles is where Carmex lip balm has grown from the literal stovetop operation of founder Alfred Woelbing to Carma Laboratories in Franklin, WI. The company has been built on the strength of its Soothing, Tingling and Healing success on the lips of the world. If you'd rather see pretty pictures, click here for a visual history of Carma Labs. 1930s - The Great Depression, The Birth of Carmex Lip Balm Alfred Woelbing lost his job as a buyer for a Milwaukee department store and began producing Lyptone, a lip protection product. The formula was later sold for $2,500. Alfred described the amount as "a lot of money in those days." Alfred next created a silver polish, Shynebright, which he sold to stores in Milwaukee and Chicago. Still suffering from chapped lips and cold sores, Alfred created Carmex lip balm in the early 1930s. The first-ever canned beer was produced and DuPont Labs invented nylon in 1935. In 1937, Carma Laboratories became incorporated. 1940s - WWII The war limited production possibilities for Carmex lip balm due to a ban on the natural ingredient Lanolin, which was needed as an element to prevent rust and to grease military equipment. In 1946, the idea for the microwave oven was stumbled upon when a scientist walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket. After the war, Alfred and his wife produced Carmex lip balm from their home using a kettle and a hot plate, pouring the mixture by hand into glass jars. Alfred sold Carmex lip balm from the trunk of his car. Popularity grew through word-of-mouth. 1950s - The First Big Move The world's population hit 2.3 billion, the number of chapped lips increased. The first McDonald's restaurant opened in 1954. Growing in popularity, production demands quickly became too much for the Woelbing home. In 1957, the operation moved to a small rented facility in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, a suburb west of Milwaukee. Alfred continued pouring Carmex lip balm, by hand, into the traditional glass jars. 1960s - Steady Growth Valium was invented in 1961, high-strung people around the world were finally able to relax a little. 1965 welcomed the creation of Astroturf. Athletes now had to worry about the horrible turf-toe malady. 1970s - New Faces, New Places In 1972, Alfred now in his 70s, discontinued making sales calls, which had mostly been in Wisconsin, Illinois and parts of Indiana. Alfred's son Don joined the business in 1973 and modernized Carma Labs by introducing assembly lines to meet production needs. BIC invented the disposable lighter in 1973. Having already outgrown the facility in Wauwatosa, Carma Labs built a new facility in Franklin, Wisconsin in 1976. This is where the facility is still located today. 1980s - The Big Squeeze The first Cabbage Patch Kid was sold in 1983, creating a craze across the country. In 1985, Microsoft invented Windows, and Bill Gates began to build his empire. It will be a full ten years before Carma Labs installed its first computer. Carmex lip balm made its first significant packaging addition, by introducing squeezable tubes in 1988. Also in 1988, Prozac was invented at the Eli Lilly Company. 1990s - Just Click It In 1995, Carma Labs installed computers in its offices to keep up with growing demand. The Carmex lip balm Click Stick applicator with SPF 15 was introduced to the public in 1999. In 1998, pharmacists ranked Carmex lip balm #1 in a national survey of over-the-counter lip balms, giving Carma Laboratories an Achievement Award from Pharmacy Times magazine, beginning a nine-year consecutive winning streak. Also in 1998, Viagra was invented and a rise in Carmex lip balm users followed. 2001 - So sad to see you go Alfred died at age 100. Up until the age of 96, Alfred worked 8-hours a day, driving over 40 miles to get to work. Even after he stopped his daily routine, his presence was still felt. His son and grandsons continue the Carmex lip balm tradition today. 2002 to Present - We get all tingly just thinking about it.... Carmex lip balm became available throughout North America, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Europe and Asia. In 2002, Mint flavor Carmex lip balm with SPF 30 joined original Carmex lip balm in the product line. Carmex lip balm began its first consumer advertising campaign in 2006. "It Sooooothes..." and "It Heals" billboards appeared in New York City subways and Chicago train stations in January 2006. Internet voters during 2006 picked strawberry and cherry as the newest Carmex lip balm flavor additions. In 2007, Carmex introduced the cherry jar and cherry tube.


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