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Dr.ALKAITIS是美国有机护理品牌,其口号是“如果你不能吃它,就不要把它抹在脸上”,于2008年6月在英国上市。 阿莱蒂斯博士產品為一系列有效的全面有机“活性”肌肤食品,由享誉盛名并备受推崇的科学研究员,撒乌里欧斯·安东尼·阿莱蒂斯博士研製。採用已认证的生物动力法,合理提取野生原料,达到最佳治疗效果。所设计的系列產品具有重塑肌肤弹性,保护肌肤健康、具有令肌肤不受伤害的功效。 创造和完善我们的產品既是一门艺术又是一种科学。產品诞生时採用与“活性”可食成份结合方式,这种合理的方法论解决了身体最大的活性组织——我们的肌肤的问题。唯一由活性成份製成的肌肤產品通过独特方式互相作用於每个人的肌肤,帮助身体达到并维持平衡。我们致力於能维护细胞和生物功能平衡,与自然协调统一,使身体与自然过程和谐一致的產品。”阿莱蒂斯博士。 品牌背后的科学 皮肤是身体最大的器官,能够吸收营养素和毒素,而护肤產品能同时影响你的外表和你的感觉。撒乌里欧斯?阿莱蒂斯博士认為肌肤护理不仅要解决外表的美丽,而实际上也应注重必需的保健和防护措施。撒乌里欧斯?阿莱蒂斯博士是一名研究癌症治疗的科学研究员,包括使用植物进行治疗癌症,他认為我们社会依赖合成化学品和癌症以及其他退化性疾病快速增长之间有著关联性。 现今的护肤市场大部分產品含有防腐剂,添加剂和人工合成成份,致使肌肤无法达到自然健康的均衡状态。 阿莱蒂斯博士开始著手发展阿莱蒂斯博士系列產品,结合科学和自然创造出来的系列產品,不仅仅是给予肌肤表层的美丽,而是全面整体的美丽。 品牌背后的创造者 阿莱蒂斯博士是一名具有很高讚誉的科学研究员,有机化工的权威专家,分子生物学家,民族药理专家(主要是使用传统植物治疗疾病的研究)和生药学家,即进行植物药性研究。 阿莱蒂斯博士曾是诺贝尔奖获得者学徒,他的研究开创了新思维,即植物如何将阳光转化為化学能量,如何涵盖其他事项,例如爱滋病,基因工程和癌症。他已完成了学习,并研究植物生命和它们的治疗性能,这种研究仅有少数几个人可以进行。这些成就足以令他有资格来创造最好的真实有机护肤品。 產品独特的原因 所有產品,包括提取过程,均在生產实验室内部完成。產品在室温内,採用阿莱蒂斯博士开发的保持每个植物的特性的技术来製作。有些產品為了能保证植物提取的全面性和治疗性,需要六个月时间来完成。所有產品经生物激化并可食用,不含化学和人工材料。植物中提取的成份,转化脂肪,以及转基因生物均不允许在產品中使用。100%通过认证的有机芦薈凝胶取代水作為基础產品。从组织结构来看效果很明显,符合產品要求。產品十分独特的特点是它们拥有的持续的活性及可食特点,而这些仅使用了可摄取的认证的有机醇来製作。 阿莱蒂斯博士的活性成份採用的是一种古老的,几乎遗忘的可追溯到希腊化时期(600-400BC)的传统工艺。当时的化学家对自然世界已有细緻瞭解,製作工艺中避免採用任何伤害性或危害性的物质。 每个人是独特的,每个人的肌肤也是独特的。阿莱蒂斯博士完整肌肤食品适应并满足肌肤独特性需求。產品对所有肌肤肤质是通用的,而尤其适用於干性,成熟敏感或问题性肌肤。 產品介绍 產品系列包括9个护肤產品,专门设计的6款护肤產品,来重建肌肤力度,健康以及完好特性。每个產品适用并适合每个人的肤质,能够抵抗现代生活中的压力,譬如:环境伤害,污染和生活方式改变,过早老化的预防和治疗,以及激素失衡等造成肌肤的伤害。 為了达到特定的目的和功能,阿莱蒂斯博士採用的是每个產品使用每种不同配方。 下面是Dr.ALKAITIS官方网站的介绍信息: DR. SAULIUS A. ALKAITIS Dr. Alkaitis is a highly-regarded research scientist with a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from the University of New Mexico. Dr Alkaitis has studied under and conducted plant research with four Nobel prize recipients: Studied under Professor Melvin Calvin, UC Berkeley Research Professor Dr. F. Willard Libby, UCLA, inventor of radiocarbon dating Contributed to viral cancer research with Professor Howard M. Temin at the University of Wisconsin at Madison Studied under James D Watson, a seminal figure in modern biology, at Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory, Long Island, NY Dr. Alkaitis’ in-depth plant studies exceed levels that few people have achieved as a chemist, a molecular biologist, an ethnopharmacologist (traditional healing forms using plants), and pharmacognosist (medicinal properties of plants). With his scientific knowledge and expertise in plant life, he has the unique advantage to fuse science into a holistic approach, hence creating one of the most dynamic personal-care lines available on the market today. His lectures “The Essential Foundation of Beauty is Health” have been presented globally. WHY USE DR. ALKAITIS? We support Intelligent Beauty Your skin is your body’s largest organ. It is responsible for absorbing nutrients from products that are put onto it while protecting it from the daily barrage of toxins. Skin reflects your internal and external health with an unmistakable glow when you are healthy. When there are internal imbalances or intolerances, your skin sends signals, asking for your help and attention. Dr. Alkaitis’ therapeutic skin care products support your body’s natural healing tasks so you may take an active part in caring for your precious commodity. We don’t use chemicals – period! Chemicals dehydrate and clog the skin’s important sweat glands by blocking sebum and resulting in the formation of blackheads or inflammations. Chemicals or synthetically processed ‘natural’ ingredients used in other skin care brands causes dangerous exposure, clash with our body’s natural healing systems and are unfit for the human body. Dr. Alkaitis says: “If you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin” Dr. Alkaitis, with a Ph.D. in physical chemistry, is well aware of the dangers of the many synthetic materials that have entered our modern lives. Dr. Alkaitis believes that caring for your skin is not just a quest toward superficial beauty, but actually a necessary part of your everyday health care. Dr. Alkaitis combines the superior tenets of science and nature to create a skin care line that embraces a holistic approach to your intelligent beauty. WHY DR. ALKAITIS PRODUCTS ARE FOR YOU Concept Formulated as a therapeutic Raw Health Food for the skin Alkaitis is the only rational approach to timeless beauty. Dr. ALKAITIS products are Results Oriented Holistic Organic Skin Treatment Products. They are Edible and easily absorbed by the skin; with each product being its own living targeted delivery system. Dr. ALKAITIS’ formulations are guided by the perspective that each individual’s skin is a complete organ and our products therefore help to: Bring one’s skin into a healthy balance that is unique to that individual.TM Maintain that healthy balance.TM To accomplish this, Dr. ALKAITIS has developed procedures that preserve the Integrity of the Individual Personalities of the Living Ingredients and their Combinations. What makes this product line different from any others? All our products are formulated and manufactured by Dr. ALKAITIS. All our products are biologically active. Only living ingredients are used – naturally all chemicals, synthetics, "plant derived products", trans-fats and GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) are rigorously excluded. p> 100% certified Organic Aloe Vera Gel is the Base of our products. (Not water). We only use Certified Organic Alcohol, the drinkable kind, but better; your Gin’s and Vodka’s are not certified. We also clean our worktables with the same certified organic alcohol. Everything is made in-house, including our extracts. To maintain the integrity of the plants, our extracts are made using whole plants at room temperature, thereby maximizing their therapeutic potential. For instance the soap base for our Herbal Facial Cleanser has to mature for more than six months. Our products are never older than two weeks when we ship them. Our products are never tested on animals. There is no need for that simply because people have been using the same ingredients for thousands of years. Working in this tradition has the advantage that dangerous substances and their effects on our bodies are known, unlike the effects and damage that can be caused by synthetic products that have been in use for no more than 100 years. All our products are gender neutral. They are especially beneficial for people with dry, mature problem skin and for those with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. Our Philosophy – The essential foundation of beauty is health.TM Our Motto – A healthy skin is beautiful skin.TM Durability – All our products have a one year shelf life. Policy – We honor a no-return, replacement only policy within ten days of arrival. Any product that has arrived to you damaged, broken or spilled will be replaced with the same product. Please examine your order carefully upon receipt. If you have any questions, please contact us IF YOU CAN’T EAT IT, DON’T PUT IT ON YOUR SKIN


Dr.ALKAITIS是美国有机护理品牌,其口号是“如果你不能吃它,就不要把它抹在脸上”,于2008年6月在英国上市。 阿莱蒂斯博士產品為一系列有效的全面有机“活性”肌肤食品,由享誉盛名并备受推崇的科学研究员,撒乌里欧斯·安东尼·阿莱蒂斯博士研製。採用已认证的生物动力法,合理提取野生原料,达到最佳治疗效果。……


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