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同牌称谓:诗碧曼品牌吧ESTEE LAUDER品牌吧


诗碧曼Gerda Spillman是瑞士美容品牌,产品包括护肤品和彩妆品两大类型。 1942年,Gerda Spillmann创始人、瑞士第一护肤夫人诗碧曼夫人在风景如画的瑞士创立了诗碧曼品牌。 1944年7月12日于瑞士苏黎世创立了诗碧曼公司。诗碧曼夫人是化妆品界“保湿护肤”理论的发起者,在今天,这一理论已融入到全世界的美容疗程内。 1944至1947年Gerda Spillmann只针对私人客户并只在和瑞士高级酒店内销售如Gstaad、St.Moritz、Davos。 1947年在瑞士开设专卖店,通过专门培训后的人员进行市场销售,至今为止在瑞士境内就有500多家Gerda Spillmann 专卖店。 1954年推出防晒乳液系列 Sherpa Tensing,Edmund Hilary 爵士登上珠穆朗玛峰使用的就是这款防晒乳液,当时媒体纷纷报道极为轰动。 1967年Gerda Spillmann开始致力于开发天然纯植物护肤系列产品…… 1983年Gerda Spillmann产品系列在美国成功上市开始了全球扩张之路。瑞士诗碧曼产品已销往美国、德国、丹麦、英国、意大利、迪拜、中国台湾、南韩、爱沙尼亚等国家和地区。目前Gerda Spillmann为全球四十多个国家和地区的顾客提供高品质的服务。在蒙特里尔、因斯布鲁克、汉城、莫斯科奥运会上运动员指定使用“诗碧曼香薰精华按摩油和倍护润肤露”。 1997年Gerda Spillmann已经风靡欧美60年,深受专业化妆师赞许及好莱坞影星的喜爱。许多国家的电视台主播、著名主持人、以及众多政界要人名士都是Gerda Spillmann的忠实客户。 2005年Gerda Spillmann进入香港; 2006年Gerda Spillmann全程赞助2006年亚洲小姐竞选,从此隆重登陆中国内地市场…… 品牌源起: 诗碧曼夫人在年轻时患上水痘,并留下水痘印。她曾尝试轻轻擦面,还用她母亲的面霜。她发现用面霜时,只要打圈按摩,肌肤就会软化,并带来一定的弹性,就如焕然一身的肌肤。 诗碧曼夫人发现肌肤表面有热力,便更易让肌肤吸收产品的精华。她更发现混合不同的成份能保留肌肤湿润,并发展成后来的“保湿疗法”。诗碧曼夫人用苹果作比喻,突显保湿疗法的重要性。苹果能锁着水份是因为其表面有一层蜡质。天然的蜡质能防止内层果汁蒸发。用同样的道理,肌肤能吸收润肤霜的水份及成份。 诗碧曼继续做研究并发现应善用早晚及临睡前肌肤的不同状况。如早上肌肤需要洗净,但最重要是保湿及保护肌肤免受其他环境污染物损害。 晚间时,最重要让肌肤再生。晚上时,身体及皮肤能吸收成分快四至五倍。这些晚间修护霜包括焕肤再生油,滋润紧肤霜,活力再生眼霜,净肤修护乳霜,护甲油。所有步骤都要打圈按摩,以活动肌肤表面及深层肌肤。增加肌肤表面热度,更快吸收诗碧曼产品,并带来更理想的血液循环。 诗碧曼夫人首先以 “完美光彩粉底膏” 推出市场。原因是涂上底膏可以看到肌肤的即时效果。而焕肤精华霜更为肌肤有即时及持久的果效。 创始人介绍: Madame Gerda Spillmann has been the undisputed first lady of Swiss skin care since 1944. The path to her prominence, however, has been a long and difficult one. Granted, the obstacles to any business's success are many, even today those obstacles are multiplied for a woman. Sixty-two years ago in Zurich, it was not only difficult but socially unacceptable for an enterprising young woman to start a business. It was, essentially against the law for a woman to own and operate a business. At that time a woman was required to have special permission from the Swiss government. Given the social norms of the time, such permission was rarely even sought, much less granted. Yet after many attempts, Madame Spillmann was finally allowed to bring the skin-care products she had long researched and developed to the marketplace. Even after receiving official sanctions the problems for a woman doing business in Switzerland were inherent. Social scorn, the utter impossibility of credit, the historical and deeply ingrained prejudices against women in business would have spelled failure to a person with anything less than the forceful perseverance of Gerda Spillmann. Her determination, however, was born of adversity at an early age and by the time she decided to start a business, skin care had become her life. Her belief in her dream was unshakable. 联系方式: For your convenience, our Customer Service Department is available from Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Mountain Standard Time. *** Our Main Office will be closed Nov.26 and Nov.27*** All orders, emails and phone calls will be processed and/or returned on Monday, November 30. Customer Service: 1-800-282-FACE (3223) Email: info@gerdaspillmann.com Fax: 801-491-7962 Corporate Office Address: Gerda Spillmann Swiss Skin Care 1167 North 450 West Springville, UT 84663


诗碧曼Gerda Spillman是瑞士美容品牌,产品包括护肤品和彩妆品两大类型。 1942年,Gerda Spillmann创始人、瑞士第一护肤夫人诗碧曼夫人在风景如画的瑞士创立了诗碧曼品牌。


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