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同牌称谓:瑞士柏奥丝品牌吧ESTEE LAUDER品牌吧


在过去的25年里,瑞士柏奥丝成功地履行对客户的承诺,不但为客户持续提供最优质的化妆品,还在全球范围内开展业务,包括整个欧洲、中东、韩国、日本、泰国、马来西亚、新加坡,最近,又在中国、香港和澳门新开了业务。 Ulrich Herverhagen博士一直致力于欧洲护肤品产业已经超过35年了。在当时,他发现了在众多品牌和产品中,没有一种是特别的,与众不同的产品。于是,他潜心研究,终于创造出独一无二的配方护肤产品。其独特的配方,不但能帮助皮肤保持洁净健康,更能帮助对抗一般性和顽固性皮肤问题,如青春痘,雀斑,皱纹和由于岁月问题而产生的细纹。除此以外,还能保护皮肤免受环境污染和UVA、UVB紫外线所带来的侵害,如色斑,皮肤变黑等。Ulrich博士还研制出一种特别的护理产品,能够有效的阻止面部肌肤和身体多毛部位的毛发生长。 Experience New Youth and Beauty with BIOSWISS Skincare! 柏奥丝护肤品,为您带来年轻美丽新感受! Recognized worldwide for its top-of-the-line Swiss formulas, BIOSWISS products not only help to make your skin feel younger and purer but also help you to feel more beautiful inside and out. 柏奥丝产品的顶级瑞士配方深受全世界消费者的认可,它不但可以让您的肌肤更年轻、完美,还可让您感受更强烈的内在和外在美。 Each BIOSWISS product is specially formulated with rich plant extracts and the most recent advancements in Swiss cosmetic techniques to aid and correct your skin at the cellular level. 每一种柏奥丝产品都是精心配方,富含高效天然植物提取物和最新最先进的瑞士化妆品技术,帮助您纠正所有面部肌肤问题。 In today's world, daily and environmental stresses can cause terrible and irreparable damage to our skin starting at the cellular level. And while most cosmetic products only mask or protect the skin you already have, each BIOSWISS product contains special Swiss formulas and ingredients to not only aid in protecting skin but to moisturize, heal, and repair it at the cellular level. 在当今世界,日常和环境压力都会对您的面部肌肤造成可怕的、难以修复的侵害,大多数的化妆品只能掩饰或保护您的现有皮肤,而柏奥丝护肤品富含特殊瑞士配方和特效成份,不但可以保护皮肤不受侵害,还可以滋润、治疗和修复面部肌肤。 With complete ranges of customizable, quick and easy-to-use daily skin regimens, BIOSWISS has already proven its effectiveness with its international success in revering the effects of aging, environmental stresses and stubborn skin problems to give you the most beautiful skin possible. 柏奥丝拥有一整套速效、易用、用户可自订的日常护肤方案,并且柏奥丝在对付肌肤老化、环境压力和顽固性肌肤问题的有效性方面已取得国际性认可,其产品可使您的肌肤保持最佳状态。 Ulrich Heverhagen博士 BIOSWISS Cosmetics was founded in Switzerland in 1983 by Mr.Ulrich Heverhagen and quickly succeeded in not only appealing to the European market, but Asian and Middle Eastern markets as well. BIOSWISS Cosmetics are imported exclusively for Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau by Grace Cosmetics ltd. 柏奥丝公司由Ulrich Heverhagen博士于1983年在瑞士创建,它不但在欧洲市场上获得了成功,也在亚洲和中东市场上取得了成功。2007年,贵仕护肤品有限公司正式成为了瑞士柏奥丝在中国大陆、香港和澳门的总代理。 柏奥丝在欧洲销售非常成功。不久,世界各国纷纷开始发现只有柏奥丝产品才能带来的惊人结果! JAPAN 日本 The popularity of BIOSWISS in Japan as of 1992 has been immense. The best know here are the Hair-Epil hair removal and retardants although the Whitening and Active Care systems also hold a great reputation amongst the Japanese. The special, internationally patented Swiss formula for Hair-Epil Premium – the top-class hair retardant from BIOSWISS – contains special plant extracts that help to reduce the time between hair removal and the look of the hair between removal times. 至1992年柏奥丝进入日本市场以来,其产品就一直很受欢迎,并且受到消费者的极大关注。其中最受欢迎的有柏奥丝的除毛系列,还有美白护肤和活性护肤,也深受日本大众的喜爱和推崇。特别的柏奥丝嫩滑修护精华乳——高级阻止毛发生长的精华乳,其国际专利的,从特别植物中萃取的瑞士除毛和抑毛配方,能够温和并且有效的让毛发生长迟缓,减少除毛的次数,更能让毛色变淡,让毛发变软变细。 KOREA 韩国 Koreans also enjoy BIOSWISS, the most popular of which are BIOSWISS' Perfect Whitening and Active Day Care systems. Also enjoyed by many Koreans is the one-of-a-kind face peeling, BIOSWISS Biopeeling Special. This gentle peeling, containing natural Kaolin and wheat germ, easily peels and cleanse the face with no abrasive particles. 在韩国,人们也同样享受柏奥丝给他们带来的变化。最受欢迎的有柏奥丝美白保湿精华霜和活性修护日霜,还有许多使用后赞叹不已的柏奥丝焕颜磨砂膏——目前护肤品市场唯一不含磨砂微粒的“磨砂”洁面产品。其含有天然的高岭土和麦芽,能有效去除角质、黑头。 SINGAPORE and MALASYIA 新加坡和马来西亚 BIOSWISS has also been a popular brand for over 15 years in other south Asian countries, in Malaysia especially. Here, all BIOSWISS products have enjoyed a great reputation, including the Active Day Care system, Biopeelings. Especially popular is BIOSWISS' Liposomes Treatment, a microscopic reservoir, small enough to penetrate down to the lowest layer of skin, containing precious moisturizing and anti-aging extracts that dramatically guards against the appearance of dry skin, fine lines and wrinkles. 柏奥丝在其他南亚国家中成为受欢迎的品牌已经超过15年,特别是在马来西亚。现在,所有柏奥丝的产品已经享有盛名,特别其活性日间护理和深层肌肤护理。其中,柏奥丝活肤赋颜精华液特别受到追捧。他内含世界首创的珍珠微囊体,这种极微小的珍珠微囊体内含珍贵的保湿和抗衰老成分,能深入皮肤最底层,激活肌肤细胞的再生,给干燥皮肤补充滋润的水分,延缓肌肤的衰老,抚平细纹和皱纹,让肌肤充满青春光采。 MIDDLE EAST 中东 In such hot, dry countries, keeping one's skin moisturized 24-hours a day and protected against the harsh rays of the sun is a difficult task. But with BIOSWISS' Active Care system and intensive moisturizing ampoule treatments, this is not a problem. Also popular among these countries are BIOSWISS' patented hair removal and hair retardant products. 众所周知,中东国家气候炎热,天气干燥,如果要保持皮肤24小时水漾滋润,防止残酷的紫外线对皮肤的灼伤是非常困难的事情。但是用柏奥丝活性日间护理和全天候6安瓿修复护理,这些困难的问题就能迎刃而解!同样的,在这些中东国家中,柏奥丝的除毛和抑毛产品也深受欢迎。 Regardless of skin type, age or location, there are BIOSWISS products available to take care of the needs of your skin and more. 无论是何种皮肤类型,什么年龄或是任何地方,总有柏奥丝产品照顾您皮肤的需要,给您更多的呵护!



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