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同牌称谓:Belli品牌吧ESTEE LAUDER品牌吧


品牌诞生地:美国 BELLI 是非常优秀的奢华的专门针对孕妇和产妇设计的一系列专业护肤产品。针对的皮肤问题有妊娠纹,水肿,皮肤干燥,刨腹产疤痕,黑眼圈等等。 该产品诞生于2002年当ANNETTE RUBIN--一位著名化妆品专家在她本人怀孕的时候发现孕妇真正需要一款属于她们自己的产品时,她与她的医生丈夫携手创办了一系列安全的适用于怀孕前和怀孕后的产品。他们拒绝使用任何化学产品在其中。坚持使用最纯净的原料绝对不会伤害宝宝和妈妈。BELLI不仅仅有适合妈妈使用的还有适合宝宝使用的天然产品。 Belli 是全球唯一在进行预防和防治先天畸形及先天缺陷的公司,对于产品的安全要求的标准做被推荐至妇产医院此方面的应用标准。BELLI是美国专注于研发及生产孕妇专用护肤品的权威公司,所有产品均使用纯天然动植物提取物提炼而成,保证孕妇使用的安全性,同时绝不含对宝宝有害的成分。所有BELLI产品均成功地通过美国LACT-MED 监督部门的审查。每款Belli 产品均经过敏测试, 无综合性染料和防腐剂。Belli 产品均采取自然有机成份提炼而成。 下面是其官网对品牌的介绍: Giving birth to your baby is so much more than a physical act. It's a life-altering experience, full of emotion, beauty and meaning. For expectant and new mothers, it's also a time of uncertainty, with a changing body, unique skin care issues, a new baby to care for, and heightened safety concerns. At Belli, we support expectant and new mothers through this changing time by providing soothing, balanced skin products that pamper and protect. Our collections - Belli Pregnancy, Belli Motherhood and Belli Baby – address the specific needs of each stage, with thoughtful attention to the safest formulations. Belli Pregnancy has set a higher standard for prenatal safety, as the only skin care line in the world that is teratology screened. We search through over 16 million medical research articles in over 5000 international journals, excluding ingredients linked to birth defects or other problems with pregnancy. Belli Motherhood is LactMed screened to avoid ingredients linked to harmful effects during breastfeeding. Belli Baby is screened for xenoestrogens—chemicals which can act like hormones that interfere with normal development of the reproductive system. So no matter which Belli products you use, you can have peace of mind erring on the side of caution. At Belli, our love of pregnancy and motherhood guides everything we do. Our goal is to support and encourage new mothers, inspiring self-confidence and greater safety in both pregnancy and parenting.


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